It started with a need for change.
Seven young people came together because enough was enough. They wanted to work together to create a society that put equity first.
The question was: how?

Active Allyship.
Active allyship is the practice of solidarity for marginalized people, that leads to the breakdown of oppressive systems and behaviours. We believe that allyship is a verb, not a noun.
We often 'talk the talk' about equity, but rarely 'walk the walk.' The society we envision leads to diversity, inclusion, innovation, resiliency, and sustainability. Who wouldn't want to live like this?
Allyship is the path to this kind of society.
We believe in the duality of allyship.
We can need an ally while also practicing allyship. Sometimes people aren't around to practice allyship for us. Other times, it may not be appropriate for them to speak up. We need to be better prepared to practice allyship for ourselves.
We must recognize that we're multi-identity people. Society enables privilege for some parts of our identities while oppressing other parts. We have to use our privilege to show up for those whose identities are oppressed.

Our Vision
We envision a world where people know how to practice allyship and are prepared to do so in active and responsible ways. We see a world full of empowered people who are their own allies as well as allies for others.
Every project and partnership we create is designed to achieve our goal of building active allyship. Learn more about our work.