Our Commitment to Equity
At Ally Squared, equity is:
A space where all volunteers, and participants feel valued and respected, and have equal opportunity to grow and learn. We know that building a safe space requires dynamic reflection and our Equity policy is fundamentally based on an approach to starting a dialogue about what equity means for everyone on our team. Here is how we're approaching equity right now:
any inequities within our policies, systems, programs, and services. We pledge to regularly update and report our organization's progress on this front.
and encourage transparent communication within and outside of our organization

assumptions about what it takes to be a strong leader at our organization and who is well-positioned to provide this leadership.
the underlying and unquestioned assumptions that could interfere with an equity-first approach to our work.
by example, with respect and understanding
discussions on how systematic inequities affect our organization's work and combat systemic marginalization.
that diversity, justice, anti-oppression, and equity are all connected to our mission and critical to ensuring the well-being of our community.

Our Solidarity Commitment to Indigenous Peoples
Our Solidarity Commitment to Indigenous Peoples is a serious and action-based commitment that every member of our team makes to Indigenous peoples. We're sharing it with you in hopes that you keep us accountable and start a conversation with the people in your life about your solidarity commitment.

Ally Squared works and resides on the unceded and unsurrendered territories of the Algonquin, Anishnabek, Mississaugas of the Credit, Chippewa, Hudenosaunee, Wendat, Mi’kma’ki, Coast Salish, Niitsitapi, and Mohawk peoples, and our programs' reach expands to all of Turtle Island. As an organization that is not predominantly Indigenous-led, we realize that most of us are settlers on this land. As such, it is our obligation is to decolonize the spaces we create so that we are not partaking in the continued genocide of Indigenous peoples. We hold ourselves responsible for creating policies to implement truth and justice to repair relationships with Indigenous peoples.
Ally Squared recognizes the expansive reach and impact of colonialism worldwide. With the understanding that some groups on Turtle Island are here because they or their ancestors have been forcibly displaced from their Indigenous territory, fighting colonization everywhere is the mandate of Ally Squared. It is the responsibility of all non-Indigenous people residing on Turtle Island to ensure the acknowledgement and eradication of colonial violence. Ally Squared recognizes, supports and actively works to implement the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action in our relations with Indigenous peoples, our programs, and our mission as an organization.
Learn from Indigenous peoples who are sharing their knowledge through their writing, advocacy, traditions, histories, storytelling, languages, and cultures.
Pay Indigenous peoples for their labour, including emotional labour. Hire Indigenous speakers for our events, engage with Indigenous leaders during consultations, purchase items from Indigenous-owned businesses, and donate to Indigenous-led organizations.
Eradicate oppressive traditions and structures created by colonizers. Recognize when anti-Indigeneity is normalized and actively unlearn and detach from these words and actions.
Recruit Indigenous youth to our team in a way that provides them with real decision-making power, autonomy in making changes to our policies and projects, and freedom to integrate their traditions and beliefs in our work. Indigenous youth are not tokens. They should never be treated as such.
Recognizing that Indigenous peoples are current and historic guardians of this land, be environmentally sustainable in the products we purchase, how we take up space, and the way we use resources.
Support Indigenous-led movements for #LandBack, environmental preservation, self-determination, entrepreneurship, access to fundamental services, revitalization of language and culture, Indigenous governance, representation in leadership, recognition of rights, Indigenous sovereignty, and other movements started by Indigenous peoples.
Create long-term, mutually beneficial, and sustainable relationships with our Indigenous partners. Ensure reciprocity and follow culturally appropriate traditions for partnerships and meetings wherever applicable.